Friday, 10 May 2013


is not

Toffee is
and sweet,
and melts in your
without pulling out
any fillings.
(Lost fillings would be
so you need to be careful!)
Then it rolls
round your tongue
and slides
down your throat.


Coffee is
black and bitter.
Adding sugar,
or milk,
or milk and sugar,
really doesn't help,
though some claim it does.
(I find that's yucky!)
And coffee can
upset your tummy.
(Also yucky!)


I don't have
any Toffee.

But I do have
some hunny
So I'll have hunny
with a scone.

And tea!

This little ditty originally saw the light of day on Wednesday, April 3, 2013, 
as part of the year's A-Z Blog Hop Challenge.

~ Bear ~


  1. I too will have tea please. I dont think Ive ever had a cup of coffee come to think of it...I suspect its for the reasons you mentioned.

    1. Thank you so much, Zoe, for your kind note. Here's your tea. I'm sorry but I'm right out of scones, otherwise I would give you one.

      Actually, i didn't mean to publish this today. I was planning on putting it on some time over the weekend. But it is up now, so that is that.

      I also have another piece, "The Analog Bear." I'm thinking, as a manner of keeping all the wildness corralled, if not domesticated, that Friday will be my poetry day. That will demand some discipline of putting words on paper. I seem to need that discipline, particularly in retirement.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!

  2. accountability...a bear of another order.

  3. The only coffee I like is frozen mocha coffee with whipped cream. I don't think it has much coffee in it at all. A scone sounds good.


    1. As you have gathered, Bear is big on tea. And scones. Especially the ones I make myself!

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting
      Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  4. I do love this little ditty ..........

    1. And I thoroughly enjoy your writing!

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting
      Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  5. sweetness!
    i love coffee and toffee =)
    silly ol bear!

    1. Sweetness indeed. But "silly ol Bear"? I resemble that remark!

      Oh, wait; that's not right.

      I represent that . . . !

      No, that's not right, either.

      I know the word I want starts with "r," but it escapes me. Sigh!

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting
      Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  6. I love it! The poetry, that is. Only a true poet can come up with acpmparison of coffee and toffee and end up with tea and a scone.

    I like an occasional cup of decaf (black), but ten and a scone are right up my alley! Actually, I have tea every day.

    1. I've been able to decode this. Actually, after reading my handwriting, I can decode just about anything.

      Comparing coffee to toffee. That's pretty easy. They both sound pretty much the same. And since I don't particularly like coffee (except at the beginning of worship on Sunday, to keep me from falling asleep), and I don't have any toffee, I had to switch to what's possible. Tea, which I drink all the time, and honey on a scone, which is really tasty — especially when I have made the scone and the honey is from a friend's farm. One of the important rules is learning to live well. I have, when it comes to tea and scones.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!

  7. Okay, so my brain is not transmitting to my fingers very well today, but I think you can figure out the typos. :)

    1. I do so understand, Anita. Sometimes when I was reading the news on air, my tongue would get in front of my eye tooth, and I couldn't see what I was saying.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting
      Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

    2. Reading the news on air? Have you writtten a post about that part of your life, and if so, where is it? If not, you should consider doing so. Sounds interesting.

    3. I think i've mentioned, in a number of places, my decade-long "adventure" (or "career") in the world of commercial radio. Once you've read that sentence, you've learned as much as there is to tell. Unless you have questions. Which I would try to answer.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting
      Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  8. Cool blog! I've yet to share any of my creative writing in the blogosphere, but perhaps I will sometime. I stopped by because Betty nominated us both for a Leibster!

    Cheers from Brandy at Brandy's Bustlings

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Brandy.

      Speaking of which, Brandy would be much better than either coffee or tea. If you can understand what I'm saying.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting
      Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  9. Tea and a scone....very English of you. As for honey, I could use some of that, but not the kind bees make. My honey is away for six months in London. If someone were keeping track right now, he would be the toffee and I would be the coffee. Jennifer a.k.a. Urban Gypsy Girl

    1. Oh, dear; so sorry to hear of your hunny problem. Banished to London by the king for Royal Servitude? I do hope not. And I hope he's home sooner that, or else has a full-time job and flat in Whitechapel.

      But perhaps not. (I mean the job and flat.)

      Tea and scones? Quite! Will Ms. Duggin pour for the first hour?

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting
      Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  10. Fun how you play with the combo of sugar and milk and none of it suits a Bear, who prefers tea and scones. Tea and scones sound wonderful to me. The thought makes my tummy g-r-0-w-L !

    1. I could use some tea and scones right about now. But our grandkids are staying with us, and I don't want to wake them.

      Writers like you encourage me to stretch my thinking and writing. The more I try that, the more fun I have. Thanks.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting
      Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  11. Replies
    1. If your horses can have wonderful treats, so can you!

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting
      Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  12. you are invited to follow my blog

  13. Hehe! Even though I prefer coffee over toffee, this poem is super cute. :) By the way, I nominated your Bears Noting with a Very Inspiring Blogger Award, and this one with a Sunshine:

    I've nominated you for a Sunshine Award! For more details, please see my post about it.

    1. Thank you very much for all your kindness, Kristen!

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting
      Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  14. I love coffee and toffee. Sometimes hunny,too. And I am loving this blog, I hope you follow me too. : )

    1. Thank you for stopping by and visiting Kristine. I hope you find nourishment here, beyond coffee, toffee and hunny.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!

  15. Coffee and toffee for me :) Please and thank you:)

    1. Coffee, I have. But it's bitter. Toffee I'm right out of, and I don't know when I'll have more. Scone with hunny is the best I can do for something to eat.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!

  16. Got to be a Canadian "thang". Love coffee, ICED tea, and chocolate. Oh, I submitted my Stake Out to HGTV as per your encouragement. If it is rejected, I will be under the bed eating chocolate and sipping coffee...and maybe nibbling toffee. Nice poem. Jody, The Medicare Mom

    1. Thanks for coming by and sharing your thoughts and experience. Hope your stake out proposal works. If not, and if coffee and chocolate work for you, then go for it!

      Blessings and Bear hugs.

  17. One of our Highland cows was aptly named Toffee Coffee, I like both and also treated the happy farmer to a jar of very expensive Colonsay bears there

    1. Honey, you said? You realize, of course that you've just invited me over. Do have tea and scones for me when I arrive. Thank you.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!

  18. Replies
    1. Glad you enjoyed, I'll have something new, here, in a couple of days. It's about . . . well, you'll have to come and see. By the weekend, or sooner.

      Blessings and Bear hugs.

  19. Thanks for dropping by on my blog, Bear!!
    And now, reading your words, guess what???? I feel like a toffee al of a sudden... that means they were definitely hard-hitting! LOL!
    Enjoy your WE!

    1. I would like to come your way more often. Wilderness and wildlife pictures always get my attention.

      Thanks for coming by and leaving a note. A la prochaine!

      Blessings and Bear hugs!

  20. I thought I had signed up here too! Where exactly are you located? Where is River City?

    1. Thank you, Rosaria, for coming to follow along with my modest attempts at being poetic.

      "River City" is the pseudonym for the thriving community of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Population: a quarter of a million souls. Bisected by the South Saskatchewan River. Like Port Orford with a few extra people, and a river instead of the sea.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!

  21. You're right: coffee and toffee are not the same. :) Still, I do love my cup of joe every morning. LOL

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Dana. I knew I wasn't going to convert you to tea and scones, but thought you might enjoy the fun of the poem.

      Blessings and Bear hugs.

  22. Oh I popped over from Feral's Blog wanting to see who leaves those wonderful comments. I was pleasantly surprised to see a poet. I Love this poem you had me craving toffee in my teeth but I love the layout. B

    1. Thank you so much for coming by from Feral Foresterwoman's place. Thanks also for your kind remarks. I hadn't particularly thought about the layout. It just soft-of felt right. But, then, I'm a bit of an intuitive person, so what might we expect?

      While I enjoy writing a bit of poetry, I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a poet. You are very delightful in calling me that.

      See you presently on your side.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!

  23. Hi Rob-Bear, came over from your other blog and just joined this one. :) Well, I am a coffee drinker but this is a very funny little ditty!! I like tea too, all kinds. Honey and tea with scones, yummy! Thanks for stopping by my blog recently too! Bear hugs and blessings right back ya!

    1. Strangely, the only time I drink coffee wi when I'm at Church of Sunday worship. Strange, that. Peculiar habits die hard. I keep telling Brian, our pastor, that it's so I don't fall asleep, but he knows better.

      Blessings and Bear hugs.

  24. Were Simon & Garfunkle singing about good black coffee when they sang "Hello darkness, my old friend..."?

    1. Good question, JC. I haven't seen the boys recently to ask them. But somehow I think not. The darkness was, perhaps, more existential.

      But what does a Bear really know about anything?

      Blessings and Bear hugs!

    2. Bears are most wise and knowledgable critters!

    3. I am truly touched by your kindness!


  25. Smiles, cute little ditty!

    1. Thoroughly happy that you enjoyed it. I just put it out there, and am surprised by the number of responses.

      Blessings and Bear hugs.

  26. beautiful words....lovely lines!!

    1. Thanks you for dropping by the Bear's poetry desk, and leaving such a kind note.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!

  27. Cool blog and good posts.
    Keep on blogging !

    1. Thank you! I appreciate your thoughts.

      Blessings and Bear hugs, Ragiv!

  28. great post! following you now! I hope to see you in my blog sometimes. thanks!
    Kisses from VV!!

    1. Thanks for coming by. I'm glad you enjoyed the little poem.

      I'll make a point of dropping by your place anon.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!

  29. Replies
    1. Is that your way of saying your think you're sweet enough, JC?

  30. Positively awesome!! And by the time I finish adding ingredients to my coffee (including Hersheys Caramel Syrup) it tastes just like toffee.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, lotta. I must confess to being a bit jealous of your Hersheys Caramel Syrup — it sounds so ideal for a Bear. Almost neater than hunny.

      Blessings and Bear hugs.

  31. Lovely Poem!
    (Toffee is definitely better than coffee) (But being only ten years old, I have not tried coffee)
    You inspired me to start writing the poems that alive in my head.

    To thank you I wrote a couple of things for you; (the first three are haikus) (The second two verses are an acrostic poem that spells.....well, you can find that out)

    A bear
    A poet
    A furry writer

    A bear
    A friend
    An excellent poet

    A bear
    A feral animal
    A clever bear

    Rob is a bear not an
    Ordinary one though, he is a poetry
    Bear who writes a lot.

    Bears are big
    Even strong
    And fierce.
    Rob is strong at writing, and he is not fierce, he is friendly.

  32. Hello, Rose! Thank you so much for your kind and delightful note. I saw your e-mail note come in, only to get lost. I am so very sorry for that.

    The truth is that is suffer from chronic depression. It's a mental illness which has been part of my life since I was in my teens (about 50 years ago). Sometimes it is not too bad; sometimes it is terrible; sometimes it's in-between. It limits what I can do, because sometimes I cannot even think clearly, and don't have energy to do anything. Lately I've been in that in-between stage.

    Thanks, again.

    Blessings and Bear hugs.
